How to Store Your E-Liquids Properly




Vaping is a great hobby for many people, and it lets you enjoy a wide range of flavors. But to get the most out of your e-liquid, it's important to keep it properly. Otherwise, you might lose taste or even ruin your juice. Here are some tips to make sure you store your vape juice correctly and have the best vaping experience possible!

Read our guide to prevent spoilage and enhance your vaping experience. We’ll also give you a few easy tips to maintain your device’s performance, how you can tell your vape gone bad and what you should do. Now let’s start!

The Basics of E-Liquid Storage

But before we start with all this boring information you need to know about storage, let us discuss some general info you would like to know about vapes and their composition. The list of main ingredients starts with propylene glycol or PG, vegetable glycerin or VG, flavorings, and nicotine. And if stored correctly, these ingredients have a longer shelf life and of course are pretty stable. The taste of juice relies on the ingredients' storage conditions which will be discussed later.

Why Should I Store a Vape Correctly?

Many people believe that e-juice lasts forever, actually that’s simply not the case. E-liquids are similar to many other products in that way, as they have an expiration date. The flavors start to fade with time and their strength also lightens, though stored properly after the expiration date. You would ask “what should I do then?”. Right storage helps in maintaining the freshness and flavor. If stored incorrectly, they may react with elements in the environment such as UV rays, heat and oxygen. This can affect the flavor, making it less intense or even spoiling it.

Why Proper E-Liquid Storage is a Win-Win

Storing your e-juice correctly has lots of advantages:

Enhanced flavor: If you store your flavors correctly, they'll stay as vibrant and true to their intended taste as possible. If you keep your e-liquids away from light and heat, you'll keep their original flavor profile.

Prevents contamination: If you store your vape juice in a cool, dark place, you'll reduce the risk of contaminants and strange odors affecting the liquid. This means you won't have to deal with e-liquids that don't taste right or smell bad.

Prevents color changes: Sunlight can cause the flavor to change color over time. If you keep your bottles in a dark place, they'll stay as colorful as the day you bought them.

Prevents chemical reactions: Heat speeds up chemical reactions in your vape juice, which can make it less quality and affect the taste. If you store it somewhere cool, you can avoid these unwanted changes.

In short, storing your e-liquids correctly not only makes your common vaping experience better, but it also helps you get the most value from your purchase by preserving the quality of your juice. If you keep your e-liquids fresh and potent, you'll enjoy better flavor, avoid unpleasant surprises and ultimately save money.

What to Avoid in E-Liquid Storage

  • Although the sun is great for humans, the relationship between it and e-liquids is quite different. UV rays from the sun break down the nicotine and flavorings until eventually, the whole thing changes the color and taste which is not great for its security and safety. So keep the vapes out of direct sunlight.
  • High temperatures also affect the quality of your e-liquids. Heat increases the decomposition speed of nicotine and might contribute to flavorings being less effective. Avoid storing the e-juices near radiators, stoves, or in a car on a hot day to preserve from spoiling.
  • When you're filling your vape pen or mixing different flavors, make sure you don't let too much air get into the liquid. It can cause oxidation of the chemicals, which makes the taste of  nicotine content harsher and less potent.
  • If it's cold outside, it's probably best to avoid using e-cigarettes outdoors as there could be some issues. If it's really cold, the batteries might lose their charge, which means you'll get fewer puffs out of disposable e-cigarettes. Cold weather can also make the e-liquid thicker, which means the vaporizing element doesn't soak in properly. If you don't want your vape to break or start giving off nasty fumes, it's best to keep it in a warm place (around room temperature, if available) and not leave it in the car overnight. That way, the liquid will stay good and the battery will last longer.
  • Also, if you're not going to use it for some long-term period, take the cartridge out of the case so there's no chance of any liquid leaking and getting on the contacts or buttons.
  • And make sure your vape is sealed tightly! Also, check that the caps on the e-liquid bottles are all closed properly. That will stop air from getting in and messing up the juice. Also, try to keep the bottles upright to minimize the chance of leaks and oxidation.

Additional Tips for E-Liquid Longevity

It's a good idea to label your e-liquid bottles with the date of purchase. This way, you can keep track of how old your bottles are and make sure you use the older ones first. While e-liquids usually have a long shelf life, it's best to use them within a year of purchase for the best flavor experience.

It's best to avoid mixing flavors. While it might be tempting to mix different e-liquids to create new flavors, this can sometimes result in unexpected or undesirable tastes. If you do want to mix, do it in small quantities and always test it before you make a larger batch.

Just a heads-up: If ingested e-juices with nicotine can possibly be harmful. It's important that you keep vape juices out of children. You might also want to take a childproof container to make sure everything is safe.

Signs That My Vape Liquid Has Gone Bad

Vape liquid sometimes changes color over time due to the interaction between nicotine and oxygen. If the juice darkens significantly, it's probably best not to use it anymore. It's also normal if the liquid gets separated into a sediment and a liquid part, as some molecules are heavier than others. Although if the taste or smell of the liquid has changed significantly, you would probably get a new one. Flavorings like vanilla or caramel last longer than fruit flavors. Propylene glycol and glycerine in the liquid will last about two years, but it can change consistency if stored wrong.


It's important to store e-liquids correctly to keep them fresh, flavorful and potent. Follow these tips to make sure your vape juice lasts a long time. At BRUSKO, we're dedicated to providing you with top-quality e-liquids and fast delivery so you can enjoy great vaping. Remember these storage tips and have the best vaping experience with us.

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