Can a vape explode?




When it comes to vape explosions and people visit websites and social media pages of vape experts the most explosive information they often find is the headline itself. Once you understand that most e-cig devices share the same battery mechanisms and features as our phones, laptops, gaming consoles, and even toothbrushes it becomes clear that the issue of sudden spontaneous combustion isn't unique to vapes. But it doesn’t mean you must get rid of all the electronics immediately. Vapes themselves aren't the problem. The biggest fact you need to know is that the main culprit is the battery powering them. Along with recommendations on how to take proper care of your pod, this guide will explain why vapes can explode sometimes, even though it happens quite rarely.

Big Vape Bang. Is it common for them to explode?

E-cigarette explosions are rare, despite the alarming news stories. London firefighters have highlighted that over three years, there were 3,580 smoking-related fires compared to just 15 from electronic cigarettes. This underscores that the actual reason a vape could explode is the same reason any other battery-powered device can – battery science.

How vaping works

In simple terms, electronic cigarettes work like this: a lithium, nickel, or alkaline battery powers a heating element. This element is often made of nickel, chromium, lead, or all together. When the cartridge or tank with a special liquid is heated, the liquid evaporates under the influence of temperature and turns into a highly dispersed vapor (aerosol).

Closed-type electronic cigarettes can be equipped with pre-filled disposable cartridges that connect to a rechargeable battery, or they can be a disposable device that cannot be recharged. That is, the systems of the first model function until the production of a flammable liquid, and the systems of the second model – until the battery charge is fully depleted.

The chances of a lithium-ion vape battery exploding are roughly 1 in a million, far less likely than the risks of being killed by a cow. Under the circumstances of the market being filled with cheap and dangerous replicas, brand manufacturers pay huge attention to the quality of their produce. That is why nowadays most popular vape pens, mods, and pods come with built-in safeguard features like a control board, which is responsible for adjusting the power and the functioning of the electronic screen. But it also serves as the main element responsible for safety – protection against short circuits (too low resistance of the evaporator), protection against overcharging or over-discharge (3.4V - 4.10V), from too high and too low temperatures, it does not allow you to take a puff for longer than 5-7 seconds and other protections. As you can see, an electronic cigarette will likely not work at all, rather than malfunction.

Generally speaking, explosion incidents are serious when they occur but don't happen often. And as practice shows, most explosion accidents occur due to user error. Therefore to reduce risks it's crucial to buy from trustworthy sellers and follow safety instructions. When proper care is taken vapers can smoke without worrying about catching a fiery flash in their face.

What should you pay attention to?

The key to preventing dangerous incidents is to be aware of warning signs indicating potential risks of your vape device exploding. Keep an eye out for these important signals:

  • Suspicious battery activity: If your vape’s battery gets excessively hot, appears swollen, or is leaking, you have to stop using it with no hesitation. These are clear signs of potential failure.
  • Charging Problems: Another indicator of a foreseen problem is if your device takes unusually long to charge or heats up during charging. That is why you need to use the original charger and unplug the device once it's fully charged to make sure your vape operates as long as possible and in the intended way.
  • Leaking E-liquid: Leaking can lead to electrical issues. If your vape is leaking, check the seals and O-rings. Persistent leaks might require professional repair or replacement.
  • Performance Changes: Fluctuating power levels, the device shutting down unexpectedly, and other sudden changes in performance should not be ignored. These could be a sign of internal damage or malfunctions.
  • Unusual Noises or Smells: You probably hear a slight sound while smoking. A slight crackling sound is produced during the steaming process due to the juice, which heats up under the coil and then evaporates. This sign indicates that your cigarette is functioning properly. However, we note that in any case, the increase in the hum, presence of other unusual sounds, or smell of burning, are alarming signs. We recommend that you stop using such a device if you have not been able to find the cause of its occurrence. Otherwise, the device risks exploding.
  • Counterfeit Products: Avoid the cheapest options and stick to reputable brands. Counterfeit or unregulated products often lack necessary safety features, increasing the risks of explosion.

What is hidden behind the vape explosions?

Explosions often stem from preventable errors including overnight overcharging, the use of unlicensed products, short circuits, and physical damage.

  • Battery Malfunction: Low-quality batteries can be a major concern in the vape industry. Even though labels utilize high-quality lithium-ion batteries that show high capacity in comparison to other battery types, if mishandled, exposed to extreme temperatures, or sustained damage, these batteries may cease to function properly. Things that could result in a fire include overcharging, a short circuit, physical harm, and overheating. It is important to note that not all batteries are of the same caliber. In particular, vape devices produced by lesser-known or unregulated companies may incorporate subpar batteries that lack essential safety mechanisms. Such batteries are more susceptible to issues, posing a significant risk to users.
  • User Modifications: Another significant risk factor is user modifications. Many vapers modify their devices to achieve greater vapor production or stronger nicotine hits. However, such modifications can compromise safety. Low-resistance coils or increased voltage can push the battery beyond its limits, leading to explosions.
  • Non-certified Products: Using replicated chargers and batteries can be extremely hazardous. Always ensure that everything you use is compatible with the rest of your vaping gear and comes from a reputable source.
  • Short Circuits: Carrying an additional battery for your mod in a pocket alongside keys or loose change where they can be jostled around with them may inadvertently cause the positive and negative terminals of the battery to connect, resulting in a fiery short circuit.
  • Faulty Manufacturing: Poor manufacturing standards can also contribute. Cheap or unregulated devices may lack proper safety features. Issues like faulty battery wraps or poor-quality materials can increase the risk of malfunction.
  • Physical Damage: In the same way cuts are dangerous to our immune system, visible damage can make your device unsafe. Especially if we are talking about the ruin caused by the battery compartment.
  • Exposure to Harsh Conditions: Extreme temperatures, whether too hot or too cold, can strongly affect battery performance and capacity. In varying weather conditions, handle your vape with care.

In case you notice suspicious vaping activity

  • First, the vape must be switched off immediately.
  • Then, you need to contact the manufacturer or a professional for guidance.
  • If deemed safe the battery should be removed from the device.
  • Lastly, place the device in a secure location away from anything flammable.
Pod System

Tips for Traveling

And last but not least, traveling. Small sizes of pods let smokers take them along in any direction. Here is a list of useful information on how to keep your vape safe on the way. If you follow these simple tips traveling with your vape device will be a smooth breeze with no hassles.

  1. Know the Rules: Before you travel, check the vaping regulations at your destination and for any airports you'll be passing through. Different countries and airlines have varying rules regarding vape devices and e-liquids.
  2. Pack Smart: Always carry your vape device and batteries in your carry-on luggage. Due to fire risk airline regulations typically prohibit lithium batteries in checked baggage. To prevent accidental activation use a protective case.
  3. Secure Your E-Liquids: Store e-liquids in a zip-lock bag and keep them upright, to avoid leaks due to air pressure changes. Check if they comply with the airline’s liquid restrictions, usually limited to 100 ml per container.
  4. Charge Up: Fully charge your devices before you leave, and bring an appropriate charger with you. Also, make sure the charger is compatible with the voltage at your destination.
  5. Keep It Clean: Maintain your device's cleanliness so that it functions properly throughout your trip. Bring a small cleaning kit to keep it in top shape.

Battery Do's and Don'ts in Vaping

Let’s sum up the results:

  • Use a proper charger, avoid overcharging, and observe the polarity of the battery.
  • Do not neglect battery checks for any indications of damage, like leaks or corrosion, and promptly replace it if any irregularities are detected. For example, the 18350/18650/21700 battery has the concept of a braid/shrink wrap – a film that is stretched over it. And it is super important to monitor its condition, because if it is torn, there may be a short circuit.
  • Keep your batteries stored in a cool, dry location, shielded from both intense heat and direct sunlight. Do not leave it on the window sill or dashboard of the car.
  • It is recommended to utilize a battery case to prevent short-circuiting when the batteries are not in active use.
  • Make sure to carefully adhere to the instructions in the user manual, no matter how mind-numbingly tedious they may seem.
  • Steer clear of opting for inexpensive, unregulated batteries, as they may pose risks to reliability and safety. Instead, opt for trustworthy brands that prioritize these qualities.
  • Refrain from making unauthorized modifications to your device or battery, as this can result in potential malfunctions and even explosions.
  • Keep your battery from moisture, as water and electronics do not make a good pair.

Additional advice

  • Every time you refuel an electronic cigarette, it is necessary to remove condensate from the cartridge and the device using a cotton swab or a dry cloth. This will help to avoid further leakage and liquid ingress to the contacts/control board of the device. Failure to comply with this rule may lead to oxidation of the contacts and, subsequently, malfunction of the device.
  • If the device has a power adjustment function, it must be configured before installing the cartridge in the case. The power is set based on the resistance of the evaporative element. Follow the recommendations and instructions of the manufacturer of your device without question.
  • When storing the device for a long time without using it, it is recommended to separate the cartridge from the case to avoid the leakage of liquid onto the contacts/control board of the device.
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